
Disease Details


• Schizophrenia is a group of disorders characterised by perturbations in language, perception, cognition and behaviour.


• A number of factors have been identified that predispose to, or precipitate, or sustain schizophrenia. They are:

• Schizophrenia can be transmitted genetically.

• Family environment can influence the course of the illness. A highly emotional family environment contributes to relapses.

• Psychological stresses like adverse life events.

• A viral vector or early developmental abnormalities in some cases.

• Some cases of schizophrenia are associated with increased cerebral ventricular size, indicating that schizophrenia is accompanied by brain atrophy.

• Schizophrenia syndrome can be associated with temporal lobe epilepsy, Huntington's chorea, cerebral tumours and demyelinating diseases. This is known as symptomatic schizophrenia.

Clinical Features

First rank symptoms

• Thought insertion

• Thought broadcasting

• Passivity feelings

• Auditory hallucinations

• Delusional perceptions

Negative symptoms

• Social withdrawal

• Poverty of speech

• Flatness of affect


Social Measures

• These patients do best in an environment that has a regular, and predictable routine. Positive symptoms are exacerbated in highly charged emotional situations while negative symptoms are induced in environments that are understimulating.




The integrated POLYCLINIC facility offers patients to select their treatment either from the Department of Homeopathy or from the Department of Medicine.

We provide scientific, research-based, and professional services to people across the world, aiming to achieve the highest success rate.

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