
Case Studies


Pateint ID : OPD No.2476/ 36 Years/ Male

Address : Tansen/ Tansen/ Lumbini/ Nepal/ 3987

Occupation : Hotelier

Patient Category : New

Patient Presentation : Patient visited Dr. Sohan Lal Clinic for the treatment of acute gouty arthritis. His pathological report for serum uric acid concentration was very high.

Chief Complaints : 1-Sudden onset of excruciating pain and swelling of left greater toe. On examination, Dr. Anand kumar noticed that the affected joint is hot, red and swollen. It is excruciatingly painful and tender.

Family History : NIL

Treatment History : His acute gouty arthritis may last a day or two, or up to several weeks, but characteristically subside spontaneously.

Follow up 1- The excruciating pain and tenderness of left greater toe decreased 50%. Swelling, redness and heat of the affected joint was less by 50%. He could walk slowly.

Follow up 2-Left greater toe pain and tenderness decreased by 70%. There is mild swelling and no redness in the affected joint.

Follow up 3-Patient is responding well to his treatment. His complaints have decreased 90%. Dr. Anand Kumar advised him to avoid excessive purine intake and to do a controlled weight reduction. He was asked to repeat his serum uric acid test.

Follow up 4-Patient is asymptomatic. Post treatment, his pathological report for serum uric acid concentration is within normal limits He is happy and satisfied with the treatment.

Result : Patient achieved outstanding relief. Our treatment are highly effective in acute severe conditions and will prevent the relapse of gouty arthritis.;