
Case Studies


Pateint ID : OPD No 4055/ 58 years/ Male./ 58 Years/ Male

Address : Ghaziabad/ Ghaziabad/ Uttar Pradesh/ India/ 201001

Occupation : Marketing head in an insurance company

Patient Category : Referal

Patient Presentation : Patient visited Dr. Sohan Lal Clinic on a walking aid. He was referred by his uncle who was earlier treated by Dr. Sohan Lal.

Chief Complaints : 1-Severe pain and swelling of both knee joints for 4 years. He experienced pain with swelling of right knee which was insidious in onset and progressive in nature. The right knee made a cracking noise on movement and soon the movements became restricted. Similarly, his left knee was involved which led to unsteady gait. He is on walking aid for 6 months. Dr. Anand Kumar on examination noticed that his knee joints were painful and swollen. There is cracking noise in both knee joints with restricted movements. He advised the patient to wear a knee supporter during the day.

Family History : NIL

Treatment History : NIL

Follow up 1-No further increase in pain and swelling.

Follow up 2- Status Quo. Dr. Anand Kumar advised X-rays of both knee joints.

Follow up 3-Knee joint pain and swelling decreased 10%. X-ray of the knee joints showed osteoporosis, soft tissue swelling, bony erosions, and joint space narrowing. Dr.Anand Kumar explained the prognosis of disease.

Follow up 4-Knee joint pain and swelling decreased 20%. There was less cracking noise in knee joints.

Follow up 5-Dr. Anand kumar advised active and passive physiotherapy for knee joints which will help in mobilisation and prevention of contractures.

Follow up 6- Knee joint pain and swelling decreased by 35%. Patient is responding well to his treatment.

Follow up 7-Dr. Anand Kumar encouraged the patient to slowly start moving without the walking aid.

Follow up 8-Knee joint pain and swelling decreased by 40%. Patient was moving without the walking aid. He is happy and satisfied.

Follow up 9-Active and passive physiotherapy is giving positive results.

Follow up 10-knee joint pain decreased by 60% and swelling is only on activity.

Follow up 11-knee joints have no cracking noise and movements are better. Patient has started his morning walk.

Follow up 12-knee joint pain has decreased by 75-80%. His daily routine is unaffected.

Result : Patient achieved incredible recovery. We plan our treatment to give fast relief in symptoms so that the daily routine is unaffected. In this case, patient soon became freely mobile.;

Notes : In this case, patients uncle was successfully treated by Dr. Sohan Lal and now the patient is under the care of Dr. Anand Kumar. We have the trust of our patients over generations.