
Case Studies


Pateint ID : OPD No.4055/ 22 Years/ Female

Address : London/ London/ London/ United Kingdom/ 1000

Occupation : University student

Patient Category : New

Patient Presentation : Patient contacted Dr. Sohan Lal Clinic using our online consultation facility. She is referred by her cousin sister who was cured for her PCOS from our treatment.

Chief Complaints : 1-Irregular menstrual cycle- Her menstrual cycle is delayed by 50 -60 days with a heavy bleeding lasting for 10-12 days [menorrhagia]. 2- She had excessive hair growth over face and body with loss of scalp hair. 3- Severe acne over face and forehead. 4- Excessive weight gain. Her ultrasound report shows multiple large cysts in both ovaries.

Family History : NIL

Treatment History : Her last treatment for PCOS was unsuccessful.

Follow up 1- Status Quo. She is advised to regularly wash her face with soap and water for her oily, greasy skin. Dr. Anand Kumar planned a diet chart for her which could help in controlled weight reduction.

Follow up 2-Patient has menstrual cycle after a delay of 50 days with heavy bleeding lasting for 10 days.

Follow up 3-There is no further hair growth over body and face. She is strictly following her diet chart. Dr. Anand Kumar advised her to start physical exercises which could also help in weight reduction.

Follow up 4-Patient has menstrual cycle after a delay of 45 days with heavy bleeding lasting for 8 days. She was advised to repeat her ultrasound test to check the current size of her polycystic ovaries.

Follow up 5-Ultrasound suggested no further increase in the sizes of the polycystic ovaries. Dr. Anand Kumar informed her that the treatment is giving positive results.

Follow up 6-She has menstrual cycle after a delay of 30 days with heavy to moderate bleeding lasting for 8 days. She is following a strict diet chart + regular physical exercises which were helping in weight reduction.

Follow up 7-The excessive hair growth over her body and face is in control and the severe acne over face show reduction. There is minimum scalp hair loss.

Follow up 8-Patient had menstrual cycle after a delay of 20 days with moderate bleeding for 6 days. Her repeat ultrasound test shows 25% reduction in the size of the polycystic ovaries.

Follow up 9-Patient is responding well to her treatment. Her weight has reduced and the acne also show reduction. She is very happy and satisfied with her treatment. Her confidence has increased.

Follow up 10-Patient has menstrual cycle after a delay of 10 days with normal bleeding for 5 days. Her repeat ultrasound test shows 50% reduction in the size of the polycystic ovaries.

Follow up 11-Patient has a normal menstrual cycle on the 30 th day with normal bleeding for 5-6 days

Follow up 12-Patient is having normal menstrual cycle every 28-30 days with normal bleeding for 5-6 days. Her repeat ultrasound test showed 90% reduction in the size of the polycystic ovaries.

Result : Patient achieved incredible recovery. Our expertise treatment aims to completely dissolve the polycystic ovaries and also prevent their re-growth. Our treatment success rate is 80-90%. ;